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University Work, Unity C#

In this project I designed and used the minimax algorithm to help create an AI that could effectively play the card game Karma.
Below you will find a video of a game being played.

Karma Ai: Project
Karma Ai: Video Link:


For this module I was given a large amount of freedom for what I could create, I decided to go for a card game AI using the minimax algorithm. The minimax algorithm needs full information of the game to work effectively, this meant that in order for the game to be fun I would need a card game that featured a element of randomness. The game I settled with is called Karma.



The algorithm used creates large amounts of different game states based of each possible action the players can do, and the AI will assume the player always does the best move. Then based of these game states the AI can evaluate which move it can do that will result in the best board state. This type of AI is commonly used in Chess AI.

Karma Ai: Text
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