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University Work, C++

Using basic graphical libraries such as SDL, GLM and OpenGL to create a graphical renderer capable of soft and normal shadows, reflection and model loading.
Below you can find a video of my renderer in action.

Custom Graphical Renderer: Project
Custom Graphical Renderer: Video

GitHub Link:



This module was complex as I had control over every aspect of the renderer. This meant I was in control of how the final versions looked and how well they ran. I created several primitive classes that I could use to quickly place simple objects throughout the scene. Some examples of primitives used was Spheres, Triangles and Planes. As well as simple primitives models also had to be rendered.



I learnt about a games pipeline during this project, and how each different department relies on each other. I also learnt about the importance of optimisation and object oriented programming.

Custom Graphical Renderer: Text
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